This is the only official website of the Cossitt Family Association, Inc.
For many years it was thought that Rene Cosset was born in France. Recent y-DNA tests and additional research of Canadian Cossette Family records now indicate that Rene was most probably born in 1686 in Quebec City, Quebec CANADA (New France) and emigrated to New England, USA around 1711. By 1719 he had met and married his wife, Ruth (Porter) Cossitt, who was born in Hartford County, Connecticut, USA. The Cossitt Family Association was founded in the 1970’s by our late cousin, and member of the Canadian Parliament, Tom C. Cossitt of Brockville, Ontario. The CFA was formed to build relationships among fellow family members and conduct genealogical research for the descendants of Rene Cosset (Cossitt) and his wife, Ruth Porter Cosset.
In the beginning, The Cossitt Family Association had reunions in various cities across the United States and Canada. The internet, particularly the use of e-mail and social media, has diminished the use of family gatherings and offers an easier, more feasible way to access a broader number of our descendants.
E-mail notifications of Cossitt news events are regularly sent to members.
Thanks to the work of Cousin Jim Cossitt (1925-2015) of De Moines, Iowa, our association was formalized as an Iowa non-profit Corporation on January 2, 1994.
The Cossitt Family Association, Inc. maintains a computerized family Genealogical Database that starts in the 1600’s and currently has over 11,500 individuals and 3,985 marriages. If you are a descendent of Rene and Ruth Cossitt you are eligible for a free membership. Simply complete the inquiry form in the CONTACT/JOIN section of this web site. You will then be contacted by an Association Officer by e-mail. The more information that you provide us, the greater the chance we will find you in our genealogical database.
For a listing of the current officers of the Association, click on WHO WE ARE.
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